Positive case in your child’s pod – what to do 20/01/2022
Positive cases in your child’s pod – what to do Here is a useful link for the procedure for antigen testing when you are notified that your child is in the same pod as a confirmed case. https://www2.hse.ie/conditions/covid19/testing/antigen-tests-for-primary-school-children/
Flow chart for positive cases/ household contacts etc. 18/01/2022

Updated Covid risk assessment 18/01/2022
Updated information with regard to children’s periods of restricted movement/ isolation 17/01/2022
Latest information from Dept. of Education (received 05/01/2022)
Please click the link to read. Thank you
A useful matrix that applies from last Monday, 29th November, where there is a positive case in class.

MASKS IN SCHOOL 01/12/2021
Dear Parents,
We have received instruction about mask wearing from children from 3rd-6th class inclusive. I have raised concerns with the Minister of Education, Norma Foley on this. While the situation is less than desirable, I have spoken to the teachers and children today about how we can uphold this directive in the most comfortable way possible for our children.
We are fortunate in that each classroom has an exit door. The facility for children to take self-directed mask breaks has been outlined and modelled with them today. If the child feels that they would like a breather they can simply walk to the open door and stand outside where they may take off their masks and take some deep breaths. Children do not need to ask permission for this. We have told them that they may listen to the birds and take in the view while they are there. There is no limit to the amount of times a child may do this. As a class they will be taking part in increased movement breaks throughout the day also, during which they may remove their masks.
Children with medical exemptions will not have to wear masks. Children should bring a zip lock bag for hygiene of the masks during mask breaks.
Parents of bus children, I would ask that you talk to your children about wearing masks on the bus.
As a staff, we are committed to providing the happiest possible atmosphere in the circumstances with emphasis on the lighter aspects of the curriculum and engagement in Christmas/winter themed activities. Our Amber Ambassadors for Mental Health have some ideas that should bring some light relief also over the next few weeks.
As principal, I didn’t sign up to policing the mask wearing of children in our school, yet this is where I find myself. I would like to maintain the relationship that I have with children and families and hope that you will accept my guarantee to you that we will do everything in our power to make mask wearing as bearable as possible in our school.
Update for parents regarding antigen testing and pods 26/11/2021
Isolation guide for parents of children aged 3-13 dated 23/11/2021
Update from Gov.ie 04/11/2021
Updated list of symptoms September 2021
Please familiarise yourselves and keep children at home if they present.
Symptoms and siblings – an important update 14/09/2021
I sought clarification from the HSE around the apparent contradiction in their documents regarding siblings of children with symptoms and we have come to these guidelines:
- If your child develops symptoms in school, siblings who are apparently well will no longer need to go home with the sick child (as of 15/09/2021)
- If your child develops symptoms at home, we ask that you keep your other children home until a negative test is received.
- For those children who are self isolating as a result of a case in school, we ask that you send proof of your negative test to us by email (cns.iaswx@gmail.com) or Dojo to Ms. Russell
Update August 2021
We are delighted to welcome our pupils back to school and hope that all families enjoyed a great summer.
We remind families that we must remain careful about Covid and would ask that all parents read the information at the attached link below and refresh with their children.
Advice for parents regarding return to school September 2021
School drop off and collection times remain the same:
Arrival: Bus children 8.50
All other children 9-9.10.
Departure: Non bus children 2.30
Bus children 2.40
Please ensure that you stick to your designated time to ensure safety. Please socially distance, wear a mask and do not stay at gate once you have collected your child.
JUNIOR INFANTS – Tuesday at 10 am.
Parents are invited to come into the yard with their child and stay socially distanced from other families. There you will meet Ms. Russell and Ms. Morris and will have the opportunity to take photos with your child. We will then bring the children into their classroom. Unfortunately, we cannot invite you in but will take photos for you. Don’t worry, they will be in good hands!
Junior infants will remain in school for this week until 12 noon.
Next week, weeks beginning 06 September and 13th September, junior infants will attend from 9-12 daily.
School bus
If your child travels by bus, please have a chat with them to remind them to remain in their designated seat, wearing their seatbelt. If you have any concerns, please link in with the transport provider.
Communication with teachers will continue via Dojo. Dojo will be checked just before and just after school and occasionally throughout the day. Unfortunately, we cannot host face to face meetings in school. The school telephone is 0402 37596 if you need to get in contact.
Dealing with a suspected case
Please follow the guidelines (below) about sending your child to school with symptoms. If your child develops symptoms in school, it is essential that they are collected straightaway. Please ensure that you have two up to date contact numbers registered with us. In the meantime, your child will be brought to an isolation area until they are collected. Weather permitting, this will be outdoors.
If your child has any of the following symptoms of Covid-19, do not send them to school and
contact your GP:
> A temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or more
> Any other common symptoms of Covid-19 – a new cough, loss or changed sense of taste or smell,
shortness of breath or an existing breathing condition that has become worse
> Been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19
> Been living with someone who is unwell and may have Covid-19
> Other uncommon symptoms of Covid-19, such as sore throat,
headaches or diarrhoea
> Returned from another country in the last 14 days.
A Parents Guide to Close Contacts in School
On 31st August, please ensure that you have signed this form. It may be returned as a hard copy, or electronically via Dojo or email to school secretary.
Return-to-Educational-Facility-declaration-form-Word (1)
If your child has been absent from school, please sign and return the following. It may be sent via email or via dojo either
Return-to-Educational-Facility-declaration-form-Word (1)
It is essential that we do not become complacent. We look forward to working together to keep our school and its community safe.
Updated documents February/March 2021
Wellbeing toolkit: 84690_2b45f703-2627-42ac-82b9-f919c440de4b (1)
Self regulation for pupils 85412_ab2ab222-2f0f-4826-a0e1-2ab7f2aa4dae
Appendix-4-COVID-19-Response-Plan-for-Primary-and-Special-Schools-3-February-2021 Formally adopted by BOM, Feb 2021
Letter from DCMO to schools 260221 Return-to-Educational-Facility-declaration-form-Word
Back to school video for students (jnr-3rd)
Back to school video for students (4th-6th)
Back to school video for parents
Covid 19 and children being tested- a slide show
Huge thanks to Darragh and Niall’s mum Kathleen who put this slide show together for us. Kathleen works in the HSE so is well placed to give us this advice.
It is a lovely child friendly presentation and may help children to understand Covid 19 and indeed testing for their age
Letter for Parents and Staff 30/09/2020
Re: If we have a confirmed case of Covid-19 in school
A letter from Acting Chief Medical Officer for parents and staff
Please click on the link to view the letter from Dr. Ronan Glynn
Symptoms and siblings!
Siblings of children with symptoms must only stay off if a child has been advised by their GP that a Covid test is required. Children taking paracetamol or ibuprofen must stay off school until 48 hours after their symptoms stop.
Thank you for you cooperation as we navigate the emerging information
Runny noses! What to do!
Children with a blocked or runny nose, but no fever,may attend school but if they require paracetamol/ibuprofen they must stay home for 48 hours and parent should contact GP to see if test is required. Thank you for your cooperation.
Ready to welcome our students back!
I thought that posting pictures of our school’s measures to keep Covid at bay might give some reassurance to parents and students as they prepare for school opening. Below is a sample classroom, set up in pods and socially distanced yet still a lovely bright classroom to come back to.
Our classrooms all have fixed sanitiser stations containing correct alcohol regulation percentage sanitiser. We have replaced towels with paper towels and have sourced ecologically friendly paper towels as we keep up our Green School ethos! We are lucky that each classroom has its own door so there will be only class bubbles entering and exiting through each. Each classroom has a washing tub for cleaning cubes etc. They all have a cleaning kit in each room containing masks, visors, disinfectant, wipes, gloves and refuse sacks.
Our school yard has been zoned to allow our class pods to mingle within their class bubbles at staggered lunch breaks. We look forward to sharing this fabulous view with our pupils again!
Covid signage around our school. We will have a one way system in our corridor. Our water fountains are out of use. Visitors, including parents may not pass the school gate without an appointment. Discrete lessons will cover hygiene etiquette and Covid friendly practices. They will be delivered in a calm way , we are mindful that we don’t want children to be alarmed..
We will continue to review practices as the situation evolves and will keep you posted.
Emer Russell
Dear Parents,
Below is a link to a document unique to our school. It contains important information that you should familiarise yourselves with prior to school reopening. It is subject to change as the situation evolves but we hope that it will provide support and reassurance at a difficult time.
As teachers, we will be focusing on our students’ mental wellbeing as we help them readjust to school life in the early stages of the new academic year. Then, in line with DES advice, our curricular priorities will be SPHE, literacy, numeracy and PE.
We will keep you posted.
letter for parents covid copy 1 copy
Updated items below (19/08/’20)
Here is the information for parents of junior infants starting school this year. We are looking forward to welcoming you to our community!
Plan for junior infants starting school
COVID19 Policy and Risk Assessment
The links below contain our Covid policy and risk assessment policy in line with DES guidelines
Return to school: a letter from the Minister
Dear Parents,
For your information, here is a letter from the Minister for Education, Norma Foley, regarding return to school. We are currently working on putting all measures in place to make the school environment as safe and happy as we can.
We will be in touch when plans are formalised.