Heart to Hand Shoebox appeal gallery – well done to all on a great collection!
New Student Council
Thank you to Ms. Murphy and Ms. Stack who are coordinating our student council this year. Their first undertaking will be the show box appeal for local charity Heart to Hand.

Jan 25/01/23
This morning, there was a very productive joint meeting of The Student Council and The Amber Ambassadors. I look forward to reading the minutes and see what plans and decisions have been made!

Shoebox Appeal 2022
Well done to our Student Council, Ms. Penston and participating families- we collected 83 boxes! Thank you all
Student Council – straight to business!
Our newly formed student council will be undertaking the Shoebox Appeal for Team Hope later this month so it’s a good time to set aside a shoe box before the panic! They had their first meeting today which was really productive and Isobel and Hannah made an excellent presentation to me on their goals for the project. Well done!! Thank you Ms. Penston for coordinating!

Super Healthy Friday!
Huge congratulations to our Student Council for their work in preparing a really great school breakfast ahead of Scooter Day last Friday. Thank you to Rock Salt Dairy farm, Staffords, Pettitts SuperValu Gorey, Tesco Arklow, Lidl Arklow, Nutorious Nutrition and Ellen Dixon for the wonderful donations of healthy food!
Student Council 2020-2021
Our new Student Council – we love giving a platform for the student voice. Here the newly formed council are coordinating the Shoe Box Appeal – well done to all and thanks to all who contributed. Thanks also to Ms. Whittle who is bringing extra boxes to Wicklow!
Student Council 2020-2021
With Covid, it wasn’t possible to have a whole school Student Council this year
Our new Student Council 2019-2020
Congratulations to our newly elected Student Council for the coming academic year. They persuaded voters with their manifestos which were thoughtful and sensible!
Their first venture was to coordinate the Shoebox appeal and they did a super job – 84 boxes! Not bad for a small school! Well done to our council for coordinating the shoe box appeal for @TeamHopeIreland. We hope that they bring happiness to children less fortunate than ourselves.
The council had their first meeting presented the minutes to Ms. Russell for discussion. Ms. Russell was very impressed and looks forward to working with the council this year. They are proudly wearing their badges so that students know who their representatives are.
As part of LAOS – Looking At Our Schools – we recognise the importance of the Student Voice and record all meetings and minutes with those of the staff.
An update from our council 05-04-2019
Today was a great day for all the school. We held a Pyjama Day! We saw some funky, cool, creative pyjamas. It was amazing! We raised an astonishing €222.75! With the money raised from this day we are going to purchase much needed science equipment for the school. We are also hoping to buy a present to welcome Ms. Morris’ class to our school. Our aim is to make learning more fun in our school and we think more science equipment will help!
On Pyjama Day, we also helped Carmel organise a Breakfast Morning as part of our World Book Day celebration. The students were lucky as there was a massive selection of fruit and cereals to choose from!
We are currently organising an extraordinary Easter Egg Hunt in school. The Students Council feel it is unfair that the older classes do not get to have a hunt! We believe you never grow out of the Easter Spirit so we decided to do a little orienteering hunt. This links in with the P.E. curriculum perfectly! It was great fun to organise and we look forward to everyone taking part!
Lastly, we have spent the whole year listening to suggestions from the student body. We have tried our best in accomplishing all the items that were suggested by our peers. We linked in with the other committees in the school and we even worked on behalf of the teachers too!! We wrote letters to Ms. Russell and have had meetings with her to discuss the issues raised by the students of Scoil Ghormáin Naofa. As you can see, we have been extremely busy and have worked extremely hard!
New Student Council
We are delighted to have established a new, democratically elected Student Council! Ms. Whittle is looking after the council and supporting them to be the voice for students in our school. The representatives were elected following a campaign in school. The members are: Usha, Jennifer, Sophia, Kiet, Finn and Robyn. We know that they will do a super job!
They each receive a badge that is worn with pride in school and identifies them as members of the Student Council.
A message from Ms. Russell about our Student Council:
I am thrilled to have such an active student council in our school. I am delighted to see that it is so representative of our students’ voices. The manner in which meetings are conducted is so professional and I record the minutes and letters with those of staff meetings.
Using the Looking at our Schools Framework, we value the challenge of motivating our students to become engaged in leadership themselves.
I am grateful to Ms. Whittle for her enthusiasm in supporting our Student Council.
Our Student Council Noticeboard
A message from our Student Council:
We would like to thank everyone who brought in a shoebox this year. In total we got 85 boxes! We would like to thank everyone for supporting Team Hope and helping children in Eastern Europe and Africa. The children who receive your shoebox will be delighted with it! It is very important to look after the children who are less fortunate than we are, especially at Christmas time because they deserve a nice Christmas too. We are delighted to have sent all the shoeboxes over and we hope to do it all again next year!
Jennifer Allen and Sophia White