Category Archives: Uncategorized

Summer 2024- useful information

As our office will be closed from 26/06/2024 for the summer holidays, here are the details that you may need over the summer. Uniforms may be purchased here:http:// School calendar for the coming year can be found here: E-payment links will be sent to phones from the contact ‘Castletown1’ Stationery lists are available here: The email and telephone service will resume week beginning 26/08/2024 We hope you all have a lovely break and we look forward to seeing you in September!

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Annual Croghan Hike 2024

Some wonderful shots of our very successful Croghan Walk on 14th June 2024. We love this day! Our pupils proved their fitness and it was a lovely family day out!

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Active Week 2024

Day 1! Some beautiful moments captured at our Walk a Mile with a Smile -Superhero Style on Monday – well done on your creativity! Look at those smiles!!!

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Webinar for parents of children starting school

Setting Your Child Up for Success in Junior Infants Starting Primary School is an exciting milestone for children, and there are many ways in which parents can lay the groundwork in the run up to this new adventure to help children to have a positive and successful start to their Junior Infant Year. In this webinar, we’ll look at practical ways for you as a parent to help your child feel prepared, confident, and resilient as they begin their primary school journey. We will be focusing particularly on ways to nurture your child’s emotional well-being and coping skills for the year ahead. Learning Outcomes That participants will: 1.       Gain an understanding … Continue reading

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Percussion workshop!

We were thrilled to welcome Conor Moore Drumming to our school for a day of percussion! We explored various percussion instruments and musical genres. It was a brilliant day. Many thanks to our PA for their sponsorship of this super treat! Click on the links for video!

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Grandparents Day 2024

Just some of the photos we captured today as most were taken on grandparents phones; we would love you to share them with us if you have more!Thank you to our PA for a fabulous spread and for the lovely presentation of the hospitality area! Thank you to Fr. David for the lovely mass and to all involved in making Grandparents Day so special. It is always lovely to meet the wonderful grandparents in our community.

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St. Patrick’s Day Festivities at school!

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Seachtain Na Gaeilge 2024

Tá Seachtain na Gaeilge ar siúl agus tá cultúr agus atmaisféár álainn anseo. Is é frása na seachtaine ná ‘Tá Seachtain na Gaeilge linn – is breá linn an Gaeilge’. Tá ceol agus ealaín álainn le cloisteáil/le feiceáil sa scoil. Beidh céilí againn ar an gclós amárach agus beid duaiseanna le fáil freisin! ^^^ Céilí ar scoil! Nach bhfuil na naíonáin go hálainn!? ^^^

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Seachtain na Gaeilge 2024

Tá #SNAG24 linn! Tá alán gníomhaíochtaí ar siúl: amhráin, cluichí, comortais agus bíonn a lán craic sa scoil! Féach ar na naisc! Frása na coicíse nua – don tSeachtain na Gaeilge!

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Pancake Tuesday

The aroma of pancakes and sugary toppings floated through the school today – what a wonderful treat courtesy of our very kind PA volunteers. The addition of marshmallows to the list of options was welcomed greatly!! Thank you all, it was a lovely experience for the pupils…and staff!

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