Grandparents’ Day

What a lovely day we have had! It was wonderful to see such a great turnout of grandparents at our mass and reception today. Fr. McCarney celebrated a very special mass and our children performed their jobs really well. Thank you to Ms. Byrne for coordinating this special mass and to Ms Murphy for her beautiful violin playing.

Back in school, the grandparents were treated to performances in each classroom and a tour of the school. They were then treated to an afternoon tea selection of cakes and sandwiches which was served by our very hard working Parents’ Association. Grandparents were gifted with a bookmark to remember the occasion and lots of them took photos with our really cool Selfie Frame! Thank you to Eimear for making this!!

We lit a special white candle today to remember absent grandparents and to value their contribution to our students’ lives.

We are so lucky to all be part of this community. In the words of our final hymn today, ‘ It’s me, it’s you, it’s us that builds community’.

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