Numeracy, Science and STEAM

New Primary Maths Curriculum investment

We purchased concrete material kits for each class following whole staff training in the new maths curriculum. Here, senior infants are using them to great effect in spatial awareness work to create models of their bedrooms. Early lessons in scale!


We are so lucky to have a space enthusiast in our SNA, Sharon! Sharon gave a talk to all classes about space and her passion was infectious!! There were so many questions! Thank you Sharon!


We challenged our pupils to identify symmetry in autumn nature and were so impressed with the results – we hope our children enjoyed this outdoor challenge and taking time to appreciate maths in nature!

Green Screen fun!

Ms. Penston’s class are trying out a new green screen project!

‘Our next green screen project will be ‘step into a painting’. We reflected on our last green screen project and have a microphone and tripod to assist with the next endeavour. We will imagine ourselves jumping into a painting’ and discussing what we see. Today we drafted our pieces with a 100 word limit! Very exciting to see our finished projects! ‘

We can’t wait to see!

Science in junior infants

Our junior infants enjoyed an experiment to investigate how polar bears keep warm. They have really enjoyed the theme of the Arctic through a multi sensory approach@OidePrimarySTEM

Maths Problem of the Fortnight

We are embracing the new primary maths curriculum and with this in mind, we are posing the following challenges for children to work at over the next week. Answers to be in the box by Friday 19th .
Questions are graded by class level.

There may be more than one right answer. Likewise, we don’t mind if children have the wrong answer once they engage in the process of problem solving. We would like answer sheets to include rough work, this could be pictures, numbers or words. The challenges are just that, so they shouldn’t be too easy! However if your child is really struggling at their class level problem, they may like to drop a level. Participation is more important. Don’t forget to put your name on your sheet! We will look at answers and share how we solved them at assembly and will have a little prize for those whose sheets are pulled from the problem box.

New Primary Maths Curriculum

We attended both the leaders seminar and whole staff day for upskilling in the new primary maths curriculum this month.

We embrace the the focus being given to time to talk, exploring different avenues to a solution and scaffolding with concrete materials. We have decided that the funds from our Christmas raffle this year will go towards the purchase of new concrete materials.

Here is a link with information for parents: file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/269651_2c1fe0b3-c52b-47e6-b68a-ad1259c69ff6%20(1).pdf


* Well done to all who entered our challenge last night. In many cases, there was no absolute right answer and we prompted the children to justify their answer. This will be a focus in the incoming new Maths curriculum and we really welcome this. Well done to PJ whose name was pulled out of the hat and wins today’s prize.
* Tonight’s Maths Week challenge is also open to interpretation. We invite children to look at one of the pictures and choose the odd one out. Justify your reasoning with a sentence in your journal to be in with a chance to win a prize tomorrow! (Not in picture are entrants from Mr. Breen’s as it was too wet to come over, hopefully the new classrooms will be ready soon!)
* Pictured are some of the brilliant Maths Eyes entries we have received so far! The questions are great. Two more days to enter!

New Maths Curriculum

Here is some information for parents on the incoming Maths Curriculum. We will be upskilling over the coming academic year and implementation will take place next year.[English] leaflet – PMC (1)Download


MATHS FOR FUN- what a hit! I don’t know who enjoyed it more, the pupils or parents/grandparents! There was such a buzz of excitement in senior infants and second class today! We look forward to expanding this new venture!

Science and Engineering – In science today, Ms. Penston’s class made spinners and predicted which spinners they thought would reach the ground first, they then got to test them outside on the grass! Such fun!

Beebots coding app

Lots of fun in senior infants using the Bee Bots coding app!! Learning is so much fun!

SSE Windfarm climate workshop

Ms. ní Shúilleabháin’s class had a brilliant day today at Arklow Bay Hotel where they learned more about emissions, climate change and air quality. They listened to speakers and engaged in some very interesting experiments! They enjoyed a lovely, hot lunch at the end! They brought an algae experiment back to school which will replicate the effect of 40 trees being planted in the classroom! We will keep you posted!


We have had so many ingenious entries for our marble run challenge. We like to inspire our young creative minds. Part of the challenge was to consider materials and the children really rose to the challenge. We love the diversity of scale and creativity! Click on the links to view! You will really enjoy these!


To mark Safer Internet Day, we had Gardaí Sinéad and Fiona in to speak with all classes at an age appropriate level about the dangers and issues associated with being online. Children are definitely accessing more content at a younger age. I have asked them to email some blocks on to me but in the meantime, there are helpful resources at this link: They also emphasised the need for parents to supervise what their children are playing and if they are engaging with strangers online. It could be a good dinner conversation to have.

Vaentine’s Day Numeracy!

What a great activity for numeracy! 3rd and 4th class planning a Valentine’s meal for the family – on a budget and using catalogues! Some really tasty looking menus too!

Biology in a Box – The Skeleton

Happy Hearts – Biology in a Box

There was great engagement in this week’s Biology in a Box with 5th and 6th class. Using plasticine, they recreated the parts of the heart and really enjoyed the process!


Capacity for learning

You can’t beat hands on, experiential learning! Capacity with Ms. Penston’s class – look at those happy faces!


5th and 6th class are really enjoying Biology in a Box and undertook a really interesting experiment on the lungs today!

Some photos displaying the activities enjoyed by 5th and 6th class during their Climate Change STEAM in a Box sessions. We are thrilled to learn that we have won the opportunity to receive BIOLOGY in a box in the coming weeks! Thanks Ms McDevitt for entering us!! Stay tuned for progress and updates!


Huge thanks to our super Parents’ Association for providing this awesome eduational experience for us! All pupils loved the planetarium experience and were socurious to learn more about our universe!

Shape Hunt!

You just can’t beat getting out of the seats for a shape hunt in junior infants!


5th and 6th class participate in a STEAM Climate Action programme each week until Christmas. They are loving the hands on activities!

About STEAM climate action in a box:
5-lesson hands-on introduction to the diverse fields of Climate Action. Using arts, communication and active citizenship we engage the children in understanding the part they can and do play and in contributing their ideas towards a greener future. Fun, hands-on, creative and participatory – designed to support and engage primary schools in positive Climate Action.


Maths Week 2022 – week beginning October 18th

Well done to our Maths eyes winners! Ms. Carroll really enjoyed looking at your work – we look forward to solving your challenges after mid-term!

Maths Eyes 2022

Our entries are starting to come in – we love this competition! Stay tuned!

Ronan , 1st class

Mille, 4th class

We are enjoying a range of activities this week! Some classes enjoyed a ‘doubling’ webinar this morning. They heard the story of ‘Cuthbert sees double’ and enjoyed a doubling game afterwards! Perfect for this rainy day!!

Sorting and classifying autumn style!

We love how junior infants combined outdoor learning with SESE and Maths. They sorted and classified their autumnal discoveries in class. Look at those happy faces!

First class had a super time using technology to identify 2d shapes in the environment!

Materials construction challenge – Ms. Penston’s 1st class

Using 20 cards and 16 paperclips the challenge was to see which group could build the tallest tower, focusing on the idea of materials and foundations. We looked at houses around the world built with Lego and plastic bottles. This is fantastic prior knowledge for 3 little pigs , coming next week!

September 2022 Walking Water – Ms Penston’s 1st class

1st class are learning all about primary and secondary colours. We completed a travelling water experiment today in science. What a lovely way to integrate art and Science!

A visit from a parent working in an app company!

Huge thanks to Francis’ dad who came in today to teach the senior students about online safety and what it’s like working for an app company. The Occulus VR headsets were the highlight of the visit – thank you!!! It is amazing to be able to enjoy digital learning in such an experiential, fun way

31/05/2022 We are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded our STEM award yet again, qualifying for the top category – the plaque! Huge thanks to Ms. Whittle for coordinating and to the staff and students for their enthusiasm.

Here is the wonderful feedback we received:

Congratulations to all at Scoil Ghormáin Naofa on the fantastic range of STEM work going on across the whole school. Your log shows learners of all ages engaging enthusiastically. it is wonderful to see the scope of activity, covering hands on investigations, design and make activities, field trips, speaker visits, science engagement at a community level, with exceptional tower building creativity! The work you have done under each of the steps shows great creativity and understanding of the scientific method. There are lovely examples, including the design and make activity of the three little pigs houses, Minecraft coding program, Maths Eyes, and of course the wonderful Science Fair! We are very impressed with the application content, it is well labelled, thorough in its explanation, and the photographs capture the important aspects of activities carried out. By engaging with speakers and taking part in the National STEM weeks the school is providing opportunities for learners to see the relevance of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths to our every day lives and to meet people working in those fields. The work you are doing in developing learners skills is clear and there are no doubt some budding scientists and engineers in the school. Keep up the great work!

Click the link below to view our extensive application


We have had an amazing week in school celebrating Engineers Week!

Each class has engaged in engineering projects and had lots of fun through active learning in the process! Have a look through our pictures.

Thanks to Kietan who represented Wexford County Council with a presentation on renewable energy to 5th and 6th class

Our classes have also been challenged to a tower building competition – considering materials, modifications and reinforcements where necessary. We love the variety of entries so far. Stay tuned for the results next week!

Rocket making in Mr. Breen’s class! Click on the links to view


Nothing beats experiential, hands on Maths activities. Here 2nd class are enjoying weighing pasta- using estimation and measuring skills.

Science in Action with Rang 3/4!

Science Week 2021

Monday 08/11/21
Infants engaged in the theme of At the Doctor’s Surgery/Hospital for Aistear. They really enjoyed dressing up in the lab coats and taking part in role play. They also made some excellent X-rays of their hands!

Tuesday 09/11/2021

Today senior, 1st and 2nd class enjoyed a live webinar with The Nutty Professor where they were amazed by his exciting experiments! They learned about gas and molecules amongst other interesting ideas.

5th and 6th class had a brilliant workshop online around ‘Human Variation and DNA Finger printing’. They learned about the physical characteristics that separate us and the percentages of people who possess traits such as a bendy thumb or had hair on their middle digit!


* 3rd/4th class had a really interesting session for Science Week as they explored fish today. The class was really engaged and produced some super work afterwards! Huge thanks to WIT for supplying this great educational opportunity!

Maths Week 2021

Maths Eyes competition

Each year, we run the Maths Eyes competition. This is where we encourage our pupils to see Maths in real life, outside teh text book and Maths lesson. We can’t wait to upload our entries as they come in. We have extended the deadline until after Hallowe’en to allow children to observe Maths patterns, algebra, shapes, operations and data that occurs over mid term.

Update: Congratulations to Maths Eyes Winners 2021! Thank you to Fiona and Sharon for adjudicating! We had some great entries!

What comes next in Ronan’s sequence of super heroes?

Fiadh arranged a symmetrical pattern using her bracelet beads

Stay tuned as we update you with photos of the Maths week activities in our school….

Junior infants – Maths Scavenger Hunt

Junior infants had great fun exploring their classroom for Maths related items!

5th/6th class measuring the perimeter of the school using a trundle wheel

October 2021

Kinaesthetic learning in Maths

Kinaesthetic learning happens when we have a hands-on experience and often involves movement. Here 2nd class is enjoying number line sequence questioning by being the number line themselves and moving throughout the lesson. The children were really engaged and active!

A visit from Dale Treadwell Heritage in Schools Expert!

Thank you to Fiadh Russell who was the winner of a Heritage Ireland Expert visit for her drawing of a robin in lockdown. Dale Treadwell (who has worked on RTE) came to school today and treated all the children to a mini beast workshop. Dale loved our grounds and all the diversity here! We hope the children enjoyed this workshop and encourage them to tell you all about it at home! 

Coding challenge!

5th and 6th class have embarked on a coding programme with Microsoft which they will undertake for the next 6 weeks. The education edition of Minecraft is being run in conjunction with Microsoft and RTE School hub. They are really enjoying it

September 2021

We were so impressed by Michael’s natural flair for engineering and invention! Ms. Russell met him in the yard after school yesterday with his self designed and constructed car that really moved! He modified the wheels and we really admire this clever innovation! Keep it up Michael!

May 2021

Students fully engaged and enjoying a capacity demonstration in their outdoor Maths class with Ms. Carroll!

April 2021

Click on the link to see a sample of us linking the theme of area in Maths with measuring our planned meadow and bogland areas in our outdoor space! We believe that the experiential nature of this type of teaching embeds the learning. Active learning is really great!


Enjoying Monday Maths in our outdoor classroom with Ms. Morris!

Engineers’ Week March 2021

Suggested STEAM reading for Engineers’ Week and beyond:

We have enjoyed many challenges for Engineers’ Week 2021 including marble runs, dropping eggs,  designing bridges and constructing bridges! Have a look at our pictures 0- we had so much fun and learned a lot!


Click the link to see Fiadh and Ronan’s before and after

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Click the links below to see how Kitt got on!

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Our super team of SNAs have set a baking challenge for our students! The first baking challenge is pancakes for the day that’s in it! Feel free to add your own twist and email photos to me ! There will be a prize for the person crowned Castletown Bake-off champion!



We had some super submissions for our STEAM design a maze challenge  ranging from Lego to coding – we were so impressed!

Well done to all our pupils on a fantastic first week back at school. Working remotely hasn’t dampened your enthusiasm! It was great to see so many of you on our Zoom assembly today!

Thank you to our teachers and staff for all the innovative and creative ideas that they have been coming up with!

This week we set a STEAM stick challenge. Students were challenged to make a stick man at junior level and an insulated hut at senior level. We had some super entries- here is a selection!


Today, 14/12/2020, 6th class really enjoyed the Microsoft Dream Space workshop for coding. What a nice way to wind down as the holidays approach!

Aistear – The Hospital – a visit from Dr. Kennedy! 

As part of our Aistear theme of The Hospital, jnr infants- 1st class had a lovely visit from Dr. Tom Kennedy today!  It was exciting to test the equipment in our pods and investigate how they work. We learned about stethoscopes, how to take temperatures and heart rates. There were many interesting questions answered, I think we may have some budding medics in our midst!

Thank you Dr. Kennedy for your time!

Science Week 9th November 2020

We have enjoyed a Covid Friendly Science week! Thank you to SFI for the really interesting webinars we enjoyed each day. We investigated electricity, optical illusions, forensics and dinosaurs!

Pictured: Ms. Byrne’s students investigated the Water Cycle and studied penguins!


Snr infants/1st class: The water cycle in a bag. We hope to see the sun evaporate some of the water. Then the hot air rises to meet cold air. This should form condensation on the inside of the bag. 🤞Stay tuned! Well done to Ms. Byrne’s class!



Ms. DArcy’s/Ms. McDevitt’s 2nd/3rd class experiments! Well done to Bord Gorm who invented a game about animals and their young. Bord Oráiste undertook an experiment about rain and made a rain gauge!


Click on the link for timed helicopters!


A narration of the human life cycle. Great drama!

We love this amazing Play Dough life cycle of a butterfly!

Check out this amazingly strong paper structure in Ms. Gilmartin Ryan’s class! Well done Nathaniel and Hugo! 

Mr. Breen’s class’ lava lamps! 

Click the link for an active lava lamp!


Ms. ní Shuilleabháin’s 6th class: ”Picnic in Space”
We really enjoyed Science Week and had great fun investigating the role that the 5 senses play when tasting food! There were some very interesting findings… who knew that hot- chocolate could taste like mouthwash without the sense of smell?! We also investigated how factors such as environment and temperature effects how you enjoy food.


Our students were so interested in this week’s webinars that I have posted them below for them to enjoy again at home:

Dinos Down Under:

That’s non- sense!

The Forensics show!

Maths Week – 10th October 2020

Wow – those maths eyes were working hard over the weekend! Well done everyone! We will have a tough job choosing a winner on  Friday! ~MathsWeek2020


Our Maths Wall


Ms. Carroll’s Maths Wall is looking great! Each child provided a picture of themselves and each one went under a hair colour bar. The results are recorded in bar chart and percentage form. Well done everyone – it looks great!


What a fun way to mark #EngineersWeek!  Students got to experiment with stethoscopes and they took their own blood pressure. They tested reflexes and explored the brain! How interesting! 

Thank you to our wonderful PA for sponsoring Little Medical School – the students loved it!


The Bee Bots have landed! Younger classes had a fantastic time engaging in elementary coding and programming. STEM is fun!

Podiatry and Dentistry @Scoil Ghormáin Naofa! 

We had a wonderfully informative morning with Anna and Kathleen (aka Cian and Niall’s Mums!). We learned about podiatry and dentistry – how interesting!! We are grateful to the ladies for sharing their time and expertise!! As you can see it was a really interactive experience!

Maths Week 2019!

We had an active, digital Maths trail in sunny Castletown today! A great way to celebrate Maths Week! Students unlocked QR codes on the ipads to uncover problems to be solved! Thanks Ms. Carroll!

Lego Bricks 4 Kidz @ Gorey Library 

First and second class had a wonderful morning at  Gorey Library. We arrived a little early so they joined in with the nursery rhyme session and really enjoyed it! They were so kind and gentle with the toddlers in the group. I was very proud to hear the lovely feedback from staff and parents there.

As it was Maths Week, the children undertook a fun Maths Word Search challenge before engaging in the Lego Bricks 4 Kidz workshop.  Each child assembled an airplane and added a working motor! Great STEM in action!

Many thanks to Wexford Bricks 4 Kidz and Gorey Library for this great day!

Renewable energy and climate change

We are the proud recipients of the SFI Discover Science/Maths Award! We were awarded a plaque – the highest grade. Huge thanks to all involved and especially to Ms. Whittle who coordinated! It is wonderful to receive the recognition for the hard work of students and teachers!

6th class had a great Q&A session this morning with engineer Stephen Duke discussing renewable forms of energy and their effect on climate change. Stephen was very impressed with the level of questioning! Thank you Stephen

3rd – 6th class tour to Explorium

A fantastic time was had at Explorium today (24th June) by 3rd-6th class! Explorium is Ireland’s National Sport and Science Centre and there was a vast array of interactive experiences for the students.

We hope everyone had a brilliant time!

Our Discover Primary Science Endeavours! 

Please click on the links to see what we have been up to this year!

Step 1- Science (1) Step 1- Science Step 3-Engineering (1) Step 4-Maths (1) Step 5-STEM Showcase

The Very Hungry Caterpillar no more!

There was great excitement in our junior classes as the first brave butterfly hatched from its cocoon! Welcome to Scoil Ghormáin Naofa!! The children have really enjoyed monitoring the life cycle of the caterpillar/butterfly. We hope to see more butterflies emerge over the next few days!


We had a very exciting morning with a visit from Diarmaid Ó’Suilleabháin, brother of Ms. ní Shuilleabháin. Diarmaid is an engineer and we are very grateful to him for taking time out of his busy schedule to educate our students about what engineering entails.

There was a question and answer session which Diarmaid answered in great detail.

Sample questions: 

  • Why did you become an engineer?
  • What is the best thing about your job?
  • In a typical day, what do you do?
  • What is the best project you have every worked on?
  • What was your favourite subject in school/ what subject was most helpful for engineering?


  • The classes have been doing project work about homes and houses. Different types of homes have been discussed in detail and the children have learned about the materials used when building a house. They discussed Environmentally Friendly Buildings and sustainable energy used in modern buildings.
  • Key Discussion Words: Solar panels, double and triple glazed windows, insulation, wind energy, geothermal energy
  • The classes then designed their own dream home in groups, using all the information about building materials, sustainable energy, engineering and architecture that they learned.

Today was a very exciting part of our Science and STEM initiative in school. Thank you Diarmaid!

Renewable and non-renewable sources of energy

Yesterday, Miss Whittle came into our classroom and told us we were going to do a project on renewable energy. We were split into groups of three but our group and another group had four. The first time Ms. Whittle came to our room we researched renewable energy and our closest source, Croghan Mountain, from 2 o’clock to home time. The next day, the wifi was down in our room, so we went to the junior and senior infants room and sat at their desks. Then we planned what slides and research would go onto our powerpoint. Today, we are learning how to make our powerpoint presentation. 

Report by Mikey Kinsella

Hour of Code

We are excited about our upcoming visit from Mary Allen, Mum to Jennifer, John and Lily Mae, who will come to teach us about Coding! Mary works in Microsoft and will teach coding through the medium of Minecraft. We warmly welcome parental involvement here in Scoil Ghormáin Naofa.

A Visit from Lismore Mobile Science Workshop!

Yesterday, 26-11-2018, we welcomed the Lismore Mobile Science Workshop to school. They visited each class for an hour where there was plenty of hands on activity and guided learning. Some classes engaged in experiments, some learned about the science aspect of Antarctica and 6th class undertook a CSI challenge which looked really interesting!

We are very grateful to our PA who sponsored this activity.

Staff Continuous Professional Development

We welcomed Grace Garde to school yesterday, 26-11-2018, to facilitate a workshop for teachers in the Discovery Primary Science framework. We focused on Materials and Change and adopted a framework of inquiry. This will help us to foster critical thinking and questioning in our students. We look forward to meeting Grace again in February when we will look at Forces.

Science Fair

Ms. Whittle coordinated a super science fair once again this year. Representatives from each class demonstrated experiments that the whole class had investigated and ably recounted the rationale behind each. Parents were welcomed to visit the fair. Click the link to view an experiment from Ms. ní Shuilleabháin’s class. They had to create a  contraption that would prevent an egg from cracking when it was dropped from a height. Here we see one that has had a balloon attached to slow down the fall. The egg was cushioned in a cosy box which was lined with lots of different material. Well done!

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Discover Primary Science

We are delighted to announce that we are embarking on the Discover Primary Science award this coming year. As such, teachers will be engaging in continuous professional development to support this initiative. We have purchased new STEM boxes with resources for lessons and we have field trips planned for classes over the year. As part of Maths week, 1st and 2nd class visited Gorey Library where they engaged in a Lego engineering workshop. Junior and Senior infants will go on a field trip to Wexford Wildfowl Reserve on December 6th. We will post photos of this tour later.