Author Archives: Emer Russell

Return of book rental

An important message about return of book rental books. Please return your child’s books from last year on Monday 24th August between 9.30 and 12 noon. Books should be in a sealed plastic bag labelled with your child’s name. There will be a drop off depot on the yard on the day, this will be announced closer to the time. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated as we organise books for the coming year. Many thanks

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Uniform Sale

Parents, please note that school tracksuits and water bottles will be available for sale in school at the following times on Tuesday 25th August: Jnr infants: 9am Snr infants: 9.45 1st/2nd 10.15 3rd/4th: 10.45 5th/6th 11.15 Your cooperation in adhering to the timetable is appreciated given the current situation. Please queue at school door and allow for social distancing. Many thanks to Eilis Kavanagh for facilitating sale of uniforms.

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Return to school: a letter from the Minister

Dear Parents, For your information, here is a letter from the Minister for Education, Norma Foley, regarding return to school. We are currently working on putting all measures in place to make the school environment as safe and happy as we can. We will be in touch when plans are formalised.

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School calendar 2020/2021

Please click on the link for the calendar for 2020-2021. calendar 2020 2021

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School’s out for summer!

Here is a message from Ms. Russell wishing you all a happy and healthy summer. 4BC3934C-DA0F-48AB-A827-47EAC087A44A

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Virtual Sports day 2020

We may have been apart but that did not detract from the unity of sports day this year. Thanks to Ms. D’Arcy for coordinating a fantastic day in connection with Healthy Kidz. For three weeks, students uploaded their daily practices in welly throw, sprint, marathon, strength, egg and spoon and obstacle course activities. Ms. Byrne’s class were the outright winners and will receive yummy fruit pots in September. Top class participants will also win fruit pots. We were delighted to be top of the national leaderboard yesterday!  Here is a gallery of our activity – enjoy! Here are some videos of our active students! 932827F6-5E77-4BDE-AE2D-FA195EC304D1

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Welcome, new infants!

We are really looking forward to welcoming the newest members of our school community this September. This year has not allowed us to have the traditional welcome that we would normally extend to students and their families so we hope that the Zoom connections, videos and emails have helped somewhat. Below are some supports that may help you prepare for the transition to school in September. Be reassured that we are on hand to nurture your child as they enter school for the first time! This is an excellent padlet of resources to help: This link is to a government site aimed at preparing students for the transition Here … Continue reading

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Farewell to our 6th class!

There is no debating the fact that our 6th class students have missed out on a great deal. Their last few months play on the school field, the debating county final, Rackard League hurling, final school tour, bending the rules a little ….the list goes on We have tried to mark this occasion with a special souvenir newsletter compiled by all the staff who care for you and will miss you greatly. I am also grateful to the other community members who contributed to this newsletter.   I hope that you all enjoy this souvenir and we hope to see you very soon. I hope you like your special badge … Continue reading

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Talking to your child about racism

Black Lives Matter is a cause that should not only affect adults but children too. Here are some resources that might help you to have discussions with your children. Thank you to those who shared these resources with me. The Elmer series of books celebrate diversity and colour differences at an elementary level. The song at the link above is a fun way of sharing a really important message Reading Material: Today FM provide a list of appropriate reading material recommended by parents. See link below This article provides some language that may aid conversations with your children around this topic kid-friendly-language This article from The New York … Continue reading

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Virtual Sports Day 2020!

We are delighted to launch our preparations for Virtual Sports Day today! This morning, our families will be downloading their apps which will allow them to record their daily activities. There’s something for everyone; from sprint to egg and spoon to welly throw! I think there will be great competition amongst the classes! Huge thanks to Mr. Breen and Ms. D’Arcy for coordinating and to all the teachers for rolling it out with their classes. Check out for more info!

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