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Author Archives: Emer Russell
Toadstools for our fairy walkway!
13/05/2021 We were delighted to receive delivery of our beautiful toadstools from The Concrete Lady! They are a beautiful addition to our woodland walkway and I’m sure that our fairies will love their new habitats! Lilian, Charlotte, Tabitha and Hannah found the perfect spots for them! Planting a Willow Tree! 93cc4d48-0c23-4530-9f76-d3b14e3519c1 Click the link above for more information on our willow planting from Carmel Our Junior Infants are enjoying building their woodpile habitats for mini beasts! They also enjoy a movement break in our woodland area!
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Please please the bees!
2nd/3rd class are looking forward to their interactive workshop with The National Museum of Ireland tomorrow around theme of Bees. They have been really buzzzzzzzy preparing for the workshop and will have lots of questions! Here is their classroom window -we love their art! Pictured: Our bee habitats ready for Beeville! Stay tuned! We are proud to be supporters of the All Ireland Pollinator Plan!
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Outdoor development
Our 6th class students are taking great pride in developing the walkway for younger students, putting their artistic talents to great use. We will update photos as they finish! Well done all!
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An interactive workshop with the National Museum of Ireland
4th – 6th class enjoyed a very informative workshop about Animals and Extinction with Geraldine from The Natural History Museum. They looked at fossils and videos of animals that used to roam in Ireland such as The Great Irish Elk, the Grey Wolf, the hyena. We also learned about animals extinct in other countries such as the dodo bird and the thylcine (Tasmanian Tiger/ wolf). We love being able to connect with the wider world using webcams and our interactive whiteboards!
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Tá an Bealtaine linn agus bhí an-craic againn ag maisiu na gcrainn amuigh sa pháirc. Ní bheidh aon mí-ádh againn anois! Míle buíochas do Cathy Lee mar thug sí Hawthorn óg dúinn mar bhronntanas
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Fittest School!
30/04/2021 There was such excitement here today! * We marked our entry into Fittest School with a hang tough and wall sit challenge for our children! 6th class are a determined bunch and Kaydie championed in hang tough while Sophia and Niall tied for first place after ten minutes in the wall sit! Best of luck to Mr. Breen, Ms. Morris, Ms. D’Arcy and Ella’s Dad Stephen , who will compete tomorrow. Pictured is Ella representing her Dad when we cheered the team on!
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A spiky visitor!
30/04/2021 We had a visitor this morning! As lovely as it was to see a hedgehog during daytime, we know that it is not natural so this little guy is gone to our local vet. Hedgehogs are nocturnal animals. Fingers crossed he will be ok! *Update* The vet says we have the healthiest female hedgehog ever! As you can see, our infants are delighted. We are now giving her some food and will release her back into a hedgerow shortly. 4462dfb7-a6f7-43f3-a1a3-830987468c79 Click on the link above to see our little friend eating his cat food!
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Sunny days!
We have been blessed with the recent good weather and have taken advantage of the brilliant learning opportunities outdoors. Planting new plants to attract the pollinators under the watchful eye of one of our neighbours! Look at the happiness and engagement in these photos! We believe that children learn in a variety of ways, through multiple intelligences. We hope to pique their interests and talents through a variety of learning opportunities
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Earth Day 2021
Earth Day took place during a very busy week in Scoil Ghormáin Naofa. As a result of lockdown, we have been exploring the benefits of outdoor learning for positive mental well being. Our staff has been delivering the curriculum in a very hands on manner in our developing outdoor classroom. We would like every day to be Earth Day in our school and are currently devising a long term plan to utilise our surroundings for learning. All classes are currently involved in projects based in nature and our environment. Students of all ages have been digging, sowing, raking, planting and watering. Infants to first class have been observing and recording … Continue reading
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New blackboards for our outdoor classroom!
23/04/2021 Wow! What a beautiful legacy for Alannah in 6th class to leave our school. Many thanks to Alannah’s dad of Noctor Furniture for our beautifully crafted outdoor classroom blackboards; one for teacher and one for our students to enjoy at breaktime at their height! * Please ensure children are wearing sun screen daily as we will take advantage of outdoor learning opportunities from now on. Sun hats are also permitted. Have a lovely weekend!
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