Webinar for parents of children starting school

Setting Your Child Up for Success in Junior Infants

Starting Primary School is an exciting milestone for children, and there are many ways in which parents can lay the groundwork in the run up to this new adventure to help children to have a positive and successful start to their Junior Infant Year.

In this webinar, we’ll look at practical ways for you as a parent to help your child feel prepared, confident, and resilient as they begin their primary school journey. We will be focusing particularly on ways to nurture your child’s emotional well-being and coping skills for the year ahead.

Learning Outcomes

That participants will:

1.       Gain an understanding of the challenges and opportunities  for children of the Junior Infant year.

2.       Gain an understanding of the importance of nurturing their child’s emotional well-being to help them navigate challenges and make the most of opportunities.

3.       Become aware of a number of practical ways to support their child so that they can have a positive and successful start to their Junior Infant year.Please click on the link below to register to attend this meeting.You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Jun 12, 2024 07:00 PM Dublin

Register in advance for this meeting:
Meeting ID

920 9503 1623After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Thank you.

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